John and Paul Sing 'Two of Us' as Ventriloquists

Beatles: Great moment from the recent long remake of the 'Let It Be' (1970) movie.

There's this great moment in the movie when John and Paul are singing and playing 'Two of Us' while they both grin at each other and don't move their lips, like ventriloquists! They sing and play without missing a note; I find it phenomenally amusing and impressive.

This is a 2-minute video clip (with audio), but when I try the link in Firefox it just plays(streams) the audio: Clip as MP4 clip (10 MB)

In YOUR web browser, it might stream with both the audio and video.

I zipped the clip and this might make a more reliable alternative path to save/open/watch: Clip as Zipped MP4 file. (10 MB)