Nepal - March - April, 1993 - Most of Annapurna Circuit Trek, Kathmandu, Pokhara

Nepal Overview Map

Attempted Annapurna Circuit Trek Map

  • Fly to Kathmandu
  • Bus to Pokhara
  • Truck to Besi Sahar
  • Trek to Tal - stopped by snow and reports of trekker backups ahead, due to Thorung La pass closed by snow
  • Trek to Besi Sahar, truck to Pokhara
  • Hitchhike (due to transport strike) to Lumle
  • Trek to Ghorepani and Poon Hill
  • Continue trek to Tatopani, Jomsom, Muktinath, Kagbeni
  • Trek out to Baglung, bus to Pokhara
  • Bus to Kathmandu, more sightseeing, motorcycle to Nagrakote for clouded Himalaya view
  • Fly home.

478 1993-05-01dd NEPAL ROLL 01 view fm #16 window, big snows!, - Kathmandu & pix of David & Chip & temples
479 1993-05-01dd NEPAL ROLL 02 the big stupa, cont'd, -back way & Tibetan school
480 1993-05-01dd NEPAL ROLL 03 am walk thru Kathmandu on underexposed autoexposure,-Bahundanda?? start of walk
481 1993-05-01dd NEPAL ROLL 04 walking up the trail, bridges, scenery, automatic powder mill
482 1993-05-01dd NEPAL ROLL 05 on up the trail 'til stopped by weather, back out &- Pokhara, scenic Pokhara - Poon Hill
483 1993-05-01dd NEPAL ROLL 06 Poon Hill, cont. - hiking on the floodplain
484 1993-05-01dd NEPAL ROLL 07 Muktinath down toward Kagbeni
485 1993-05-01dd NEPAL ROLL 08 more scenery to Kagbeni village views
486 1993-05-01dd NEPAL ROLL09 Jomsom - Muktinath
487 1993-05-01dd NEPAL ROLL 10 Kagbeni - floodplain
488 1993-05-01dd NEPAL ROLL 11 Kids on porters' backs, portraits of Lockpa and Tickles - Tatopani
489 1993-05-01dd NEPAL ROLL 13 (??Roll 12??) Tatopani black nighttime exposures, hot springs-hike out, CA needing shave, tree w/birds, old beggar w/monkey
490 1993-05-01dd NEPAL ROLL 14 Misc Kathmandu, streets & laundry, & burial pyre, -old city
491 1993-05-01dd NEPAL ROLL 15 the big stupa again, - bike-Nagracote,-Chip in ring road grove, - Pataan, CBA self-portrait