CBA Music Statistics

1. By Day of Week over Entire Period

2. By Month over Entire Period

3. By Day of Week by Year

4. By Month by Year

5. By Year

6. Entire Period

7. Daily Music Totals by Month


Calculate music statistics for the period between two dates (including the dates you specify).
Select First Date:

Select Second Date:


Values reported are music minutes, not clock minutes.

Minutes after midnight are counted with the previous day, e.g., 90 minutes played over the period on a Friday night from 1 AM to 3 AM are counted as Friday minutes, even though, technically, they occur within the midnight-to-midnight period defining Saturday. Exceptions would, of course, be those (rare) occasions when, say, I got up at 4 AM on a Saturday morning and played music. Those would be counted as Saturday minutes.

Oct. 10, 2001 - Added MISSING DAYS columns to stats pages. Values in the MISSING DAYS column indicate the number of dates in the period of concern for which the number of music minutes is unknown.