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Europe Hikes and Travels 2009 - 2019

The Ed Sullivans Band - A Few Favorite Video Clips

John & Paul sing 'Two of Us' without moving their lips

Africa '82 - '83

Summer of '82 - A Summer Snapshot Safari to U.S. and Canadian National Parks and the Canadian High Arctic

Madeira - April, 2017

England and Wales, October '97

That Poor Cat!

Diana Comes Home

The Story of Louis

Scanned Slides 1973 - 1998

Instant Camera Photos 2004-2016

Digital Camera Photos 2008 - 2019

Kayak Trip, 2001

Jam Cruise and Florida 2011


One Example of the Tragic Destruction Wrought by Hurricane Sandy

A Few Hiking Adventures in the US Northeast

'The Canadian' Train from Toronto to Vancouver - April, 2019

9001 - Then and Now

Tom and Jane's West Virginia Home

Grateful Dead Concerts Attended

Grateful Dead Ticket Stubs

Hampshire College - Aerial Photos and Quadrangle exerpt

The Hikes Project
20+ years of hikes/mountains, mostly in the Northeast.

The Music Events Project
20 years of concerts and boogies. View by date, performer, or location.

A Study in Ontogeny
All those times somebody said, "Let me take your picture." Well, here are those pictures...

Music Statistics
More than 40 years of daily values and summary statistics. Also: Summary Statistics Between User-Selectable Dates
Updated through December 31, 2023

Boogie Statistics
Dancing events tallied from August, 1982 through December, 2010. Event details are provide in the 'Music Events Project'.
Using Raster GIS to Evaluate Hospital Catchment Areas Based on Travel Time in North Central Massachusetts and South Central New Hampshire

GIS Tutorial on Boolean Search

GIS Tutorial on Map Algebra

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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